What does it mean to be body aware

Simply put, a body that is “aware” is connected to the belief systems of the subconscious mind and the emotions.

Body Awareness

Awareness brings a lifestyle of responding to circumstances and others in peace.

The joy within is not disturbed, but solid to the core of one’s being. When you understand your true identity, living in authentic self is the freedom to live beyond life’s inevitable trials of loss, pain, and betrayal.

The self-limiting beliefs, usually formed in childhood, or after trauma can be recognized and understood through the development of body awareness. Development of life tools help you to become less “reactive” (unhealthy) to life’s circumstances and more “responsive” (healthy). This increases the ability to recognize and maintain boundaries.

body awareness

What is a body awareness session like?

A body awareness session is a unique process of experiencing the surroundings and senses in a vulnerable state. The experience can be a touch or non-touch experience, all with safety and care for the client.

The client is in full control of the experience; we never go where the body is not ready.

There are many stops, pauses, and starts in this setting. This brings awareness to subconscious reactions and belief systems about ourselves, others, God, and our circumstances. This awareness helps you to move from past, unhealthy body reactions to healthy responsive body messages.

When a person becomes more body aware, they move in a heart, mind, body, and spirit connection. During a session a Coach and a trained Support Assistant are there. The assistant takes notes, shares words of encouragement, and uses calming music to expand the experience of development for personal and inter-personal training.

Benefits of body awareness:

  • Awareness of the signals from the body that reflect your emotions and belief systems
  • Ability to experience a new belief from an old belief
  • Improve ability to receive
  • Reduce pain and stress and builds joy
  • Learn to set and maintain healthy boundaries
  • Experience mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional healing
  • Master a method to acknowledge, ask, and attend to needs
  • Skill to move from trauma survival reactions
  • Establish a healthy thriving response
  • Recognize false self and see authentic self
  • Move from frozen (stuck) to a forward motion (vision)
  • Switch from fight reaction to melting into responsive lifestyle
  • Stop fleeing reaction and move to standing in harmony with self, God, and others
  • Understand what is safe and unsafe

Why do people choose to process through body awareness sessions?

“For me, Body Awareness makes me aware and thoughtful of worldly stressors on and around me so that I can better process and act, rather than react from old wounds.”

– Dan Shank


“Often my body is telling me something is going on beyond the physical pain, that we often dismiss or don’t even know about. I found it helps me connect the mind and spirit to my body. The process has helped me learn to connect my emotions and thoughts to my body and align them with the Word of God.”

– Mindy Coffey


“Having trauma through a car accident, the psychological and emotional, there is a disconnect from your mind that is ever-present, and your body that is holding that trauma event. When feeling stuck, your body is waiting to release it/love it/forgive it.”

– Niki