Did You Realize Christmas Is An Adoption Story?

father kissing son after adoption

As you assemble the nativity in your home, what goes through your mind? Memories of playing with figurines as a child? Thoughts of your kids helping to place the angel? Wondering where Joseph stashed the adoption papers?

If you thought that last one, you are the exception. Good on you! Most people don’t think about adoption at Christmas but, this story might just change that for you today.

You may already know that Joseph was a righteous man betrothed (legally married, not intimately connected yet) to a young woman named Mary. But then he found out that Mary was pregnant! What? How? Joseph had never been with her so he sought to divorce her quietly to avoid publicly disgracing her.

Imagine the pain and betrayal he must have felt! His beloved finance was pregnant? “Those” women were considered adulterers and would be socially ostracized or even stoned to death.

What Did Joseph Do?

So what did Joseph do? Instead of wanting vengeance, Joseph showed compassion.

He got some wise counsel, for sure! The Lord sent an angel to Joseph who told him he needed to take Mary as his wife, that the Holy Spirit conceived her son, fulfilling God’s promise in Isaiah 7:14. And that Joesph was to adopt the virgin’s son by naming him Jesus. This child Joseph would raise would be the Savior who would show the world compassion and mercy. Joseph chose to listen to the Lord and married Mary.

Upon marrying her, Joseph also adopted a child. Did he:

  • feel the excitement, curiosity, and weight that comes with parenthood?
  • wonder if he was up to the task?
  • feel a sense of wonder at God’s miraculous work like when a child is placed in your arms to take in as your own?

joseph with his bride mary and his adoption son jesus in the manger

This December (and all year long) we encourage you to think onadoption—yours and mine into God’s Kingdom and those still waiting to be adopted to an earthly family and the family of God.

God adopted us. Joseph adopted Jesus. Joseph’s obedience protected Jesus and gave him a safe and healthy environment to live in. Just like the compassionate parents who chose adoption now.

Another Christmas Adoption Story

Above the melody of a favorite Christmas carol and the sound of dishes being stacked in the sink, our kitchen phone rang. I picked it up and heard the social worker on the other end. She was a familiar voice since she managed the foster children who came in and out of our home. But why was she calling so close to Christmas?

Our family had a heart to care for children who had experienced hardship. We wanted to give them a loving and caring home where they could be safe and develop in a healthy environment. Beyond fostering children, we desired to adopt a child through the foster system. We could have never guessed how close we were to realizing that dream on that December day!

The social worker got right to it over the phone. She announced, “I have a baby for you.”

This overwhelming zeal of joy came over me. And in my excitement, I accidentally hung up the phone. That was when a river of questions flooded my mind.

Questions Flooded My Mind

  • Was it a boy, or was it a girl?
  • What were the health conditions of this baby?
  • What were the circumstances that brought this baby to this place?
  • When can we connect with this baby?

Just as soon as the questions rushed through my mind, I realized the questions…didn’t matter. A floodgate of abundant love filled my heart for this child regardless of the answers.

We already had two sons and one daughter and secretly hoped for another daughter someday. Yet, at that moment, I didn’t care if it was a boy or a girl!

Foster care does not typically have infants for adoption. The children are usually older. We yearned for an infant, yet we would be alright with whoever God intended for us. I knew this baby was a gift to us and had a purpose to be part of our family, and I knew that the Lord chose us for this child.

This baby would bring a new perspective of family and would impact our lives just as much as we would impact his or her life.

I quickly called the social worker back, who told me she was bringing meus a newborn infant. A beautiful 6-pound, 22-inch baby girl with red hair. She explained that they would bring her to us in two days.

A Miracle

Two days! What a miracle!

In the depth of my being, I always wanted the privilege of adopting and taking a child in need out of an environment that was dangerous or unsafe. The Lord heard the desires of my heart and blessed those desires more than I could even imagine.

Being adopted as an infant, would mean that she would never have to endure the trauma of unsafe circumstances like so many other children in the foster care system. Foster children often live in unprotected or hazardous conditions, whether it is physically or emotionally. The cycle of generational neglect and abuse could be broken. The God of the impossible rescued this baby girl from her environment and harmful circumstances.

The two days crawled by, but finally this beautiful baby girl was given into my arms and became our daughter.

valerie and her daughter through adoption at the daughter's wedding

Her name is Amber Rose. Amber is our gift to love, protect, teach, and train. I felt the weight of parenthood even more with Amber than with my birth children and wanted to be a true example and reflection of Christ. It has been 22 years since December 13, 2002, when this incredible, creative, beautiful child entered my life. To be part of the Lord’s covering for Amber Rose has been one of the most significant and meaningful parts of my journey.

Christmas is an Adoption Story

Christmas is an adoption story. Joseph’s adoption of Jesus and Jesus’ adoption of believers into His family is at the heart of Christmas. Adoption not only seeks to provide and protect, but to pour out and be a blessing to and by those in our care.

Adoption and foster care are examples of the loving gift God has given to this world. Unmerited love. This year as we gather with our families to celebrate Christmas (or as you anticipate it, possibly months away) we ask that you pause and consider adoption or foster care or how you might help those who choose that path.

At Walking On Water Living we support and journey with an adoption agency, Mi Yungs Prayer (MYP).

Mi Yungs Prayer’s mission is to create a partnership to equip and edify  adoptive parents by providing services, coaching, counseling, and financial consulting for adoption. And Julie Kula, their Executive Director, is a wonderful part of our team and a coach here at Walking On Water Living.

Accreditation Near Completion

Mi Yungs Prayer is near to achieving Hague accreditation.The Hague Adoption Convention is an international treaty that protects the rights of children, birth parents, and adoptive parents in international adoptions. This accreditation is a critical milestone for MYP to open intercountry adoption programs and to ensure compliance. MYP anticipates this final step will be completed this month!s. Once accredited, MYP will expand its reach to provide even more support to children in need of their help.

Mi Yung's Prayer adoption agency with children holding hands walking along cobble stone street

Looking Ahead: International Adoption Programs in Malawi and India

MYP plans to open international adoption programs in Malawi and India in early 2025 after receiving accreditation. These two countries greatly need adoptive families. MYP has committed to partnering with communities where they can have the most profound impact. They are confident that these new international adoption programs will bless the children and the families involved as they continue to follow God’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children. MI YUNGS PRAYER (MYP) is unique because it supports adoptive parents before, during, and after adoption.

Funds Raised from MYP’s Launch Picnic and Campaigns

Through the generosity of many, MYP has raised approximately $16,000 to date. These donations will help MYP with administration needs, case management software, and opening adoption programs. They have already successfully covered their start-up costs, allowing MYP to focus on future growth and expanding their services. We have a goal to raise this amount to $25,000 by the end of 2024.

New Goal

MYP has created an endowment fund to assist adoptive families with ongoing grants for adoption costs, and the fund has now reached $3,000 with a goal of $5,000 by the end of 2024. This endowment fund will provide a sustainable source of financial support for families, ensuring that adoption remains a viable and affordable option for many years.

We believe that God is opening doors for Mi Yungs Prayer to grow and touch even more lives through the power of adoption. All year long!

Your prayers, support, and generosity are needed. Walking On Water Living is excited about what lies ahead. Will you partner with WOWLiving as we support and pray to make Christian adoption viable for many more families?  Together, we can bring more children home, offer unwavering support to adoptive families, and ensure that every child knows the love of a family. To donate: MYP DONATION LINK

To learn more about Mi Yung’s Prayer, please visit the website at www.MiYungsPrayer.org  or call Julie Kula at 303-856-9025.

Thank you.

Have a joyful Christmas, and may your year be full of new beginnings and celebration!

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Further reading