Valerie Rodgers Profile

Valerie Rodgers is a Certified Life Coach, who has been in practice since 2004. 
She is also a Licensed Massage Therapist.  A mother of four as well as at one time a foster care “mother”, she also has experience in the small business and corporate business world, having owned a consignment store and worked as a District Manager, managing 14 stores for a retail sales corporation. Valerie not only has training as a professional coach, she has walked a life journey where she has experienced the overcoming, growth and transformation that she helps develop in her clients.  She is passionate about seeing her clients realize the joy and richness of abundant living, and has many clients who readily attest to her heart, skill, wisdom and guidance – that she lives what she believes, and how their lives have been changed as a result. Valerie is married to Guy Rodgers, a Certified Professional Leadership Coach who also has decades of experience in professional consulting.
Guy and Valerie Rodgers